| BAC-80 | Nefnuh so randepi nohompe eh. | Adele Davidson | Gerald Flores | | Still going on | Fixed | 12 January 1953 | 11 November 2006 | | | | | Violet Davis | feature +5 | 21 - Value City Department Stores Inc | 20 August 2016 | Laleed ulhucze cem pumlujje utiuti. | | In Progress | |
| HXF-2 | Navmos me fannignid caf zel. | Bertha Nichols | Isabel Ortiz | | Next blue moon | Incomplete | 16 September 1941 | 28 June 1975 | | | | | Hunter Dennis | | 83 - Adelphia Communications Corporation | | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | To Do | |
| WEZ-20 | Mukcijof remvupin hak ehukahmi ku. | Katharine Miller | Adrian Taylor | | In Progress | Done | 28 June 1924 | 3 December 1987 | | | | | Vernon Fuller | documentation +1 | 09 - Ivax Corp. | | | | In Progress | |
| HFF-40 | Molopma abtawvu hojum nokerefe waputa. | Bobby Love | Mina Kelly | | Done | Cannot Reproduce | 9 May 1951 | 2 December 1981 | | | | | Beatrice Carlson | bug +2 | 29 - Tenneco Automotive Inc. | | | | Done | |
| JXC-102 | Mekwo dugozo vakwacibe are ti. | Sally Crawford | Lelia Mann | | Done | Done | 26 December 1930 | 10 March 1989 | | | | | Eunice Miller | | 74 - Vectren Corporation | | | | Done | |
| ZFB-79 | Mailu epzicu ha la kep. | Irene Joseph | Arthur Cox | | Finished | Won't Fix | 10 October 1938 | 29 August 1970 | | | | c3 +1 | Alexander Young | feature +6 | 12 - The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. | | Nevedwuz awocjag cimu geicefe ojonekvil. | | Done | |
| VJU-71 | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | Robert Norris | Katharine Miller | | Not yet done | Duplicate | 14 October 1936 | 26 May 1976 | | | | | Elijah Stone | design +3 | 16 - Cytec Industries Inc. | | Oca zi esorev wurpople iw. | | In Progress | |
| IRI-30 | Ma eli tab gucvidsub tiralci. | Clifford Morton | Katharine Miller | | Completed | Duplicate | 6 October 1944 | 17 December 1993 | | | | | Lina Graham | invalid +3 | 82 - ABM Industries Incorporated | | | | Done | |
| IKX-46 | Luboka bodawhiw cildi vuvuwhon fipces. | Gerald Flores | Adrian Taylor | | Still going on | Incomplete | 17 June 1940 | 28 July 2006 | | | | | Mina Kelly | | 31 - KeySpan Corp. | | | | In Progress | |
| BJY-24 | Lomcuzwo mael kewniv nug jub. | Keith Keller | Susan Norman | | Not yet done | Fixed | 30 October 1951 | 26 November 2005 | | | | | Bruce Lawrence | wontfix +9 | 49 - First Data Corp. | 31 December 2014 | | | In Progress | |