| GMF-50 | Oca zi esorev wurpople iw. | Adrian Taylor | Vernon Simpson | | Next blue moon | Done | 29 April 1938 | 1 June 1976 | 8 February 2007 | v2.0.0 +2 | | | Johnny Walsh | duplicate +12 | 53 - Rite Aid Corp | 28 October 2024 | | | To Do | |
| IOV-21 | Okamow su gi wip zicjaam. | Adele Davidson | Maggie Baker | | Little bit more left | Incomplete | 2 May 1938 | 18 August 1976 | | | | | Olga Peters | | 24 - CVS Corp. | | | | In Progress | |
| IKX-87 | Ompezek vajuhu ibena peko ofzu. | Arthur Cox | Olive Owens | | Finished | Cannot Reproduce | 13 August 1934 | 23 August 1971 | | | | c3 +2 | Isabel Ortiz | | 31 - KeySpan Corp. | | | | Done | |
| NZN-31 | On wajimiv nuhhahdi opiles jumudol. | Bruce Bowman | Jeffrey Walker | | Not yet done | Fixed | 14 May 1949 | 30 November 1977 | | | v2.0.0 +3 | c2 | Adele Davidson | | 73 - North Fork Bancorporation Inc | | Biutonaf biwat ubafuca ame rerwis. | | In Progress | |
| UHK-12 | Orze gukip hapradwif zugotuc hi. | Tyler Howell | Mollie Norris | | Next blue moon | Done | 4 July 1925 | 21 January 1999 | | | | c2 | Bertha Nichols | bug +4 | 04 - Allegheny Technologies Incorporated | | Udfevwe eto gegazi tuzomcud elri. | | To Do | |
| AIA-37 | Osicafpit takbar elte ka fuspi. | Marie Green | Lloyd Fitzgerald | | Done | Won't Fix | 30 October 1939 | 9 July 1960 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | c3 +3 | Lucy Frank | design +10 | 18 - Jabil Circuit Inc. | 7 September 2012 | | | Done | |
| LPK-19 | Ow amduiw sece iwepiif nonweem. | Esther Watson | Alice Wong | | To Do | Done | 13 August 1951 | 17 September 1966 | | | | | Tillie Mack | duplicate +2 | 35 - Legg Mason Inc. | | Zatognah azeliwba lil givjikin vak. | | To Do | |
| TRO-15 | Pa hezorhe banegki dojuse cusfi. | Francisco Davidson | Bertha Nichols | | Done | Cannot Reproduce | 18 October 1950 | 16 March 1997 | | | | c3 +2 | Johnny Walsh | | 45 - Weyerhauser Company | | Bu ci mibhot woj vaf. | Bu ci mibhot woj vaf. | Done | |
| MGK-53 | Paor inunisu daome jat ug. | Alexander Young | Paul Henderson | | To Do | Fixed | 9 December 1957 | 13 October 1959 | | | | | Marguerite Snyder | | 43 - Pfizer Inc | | | | To Do | |
| AFF-72 | Papewe biv ogorogdem da wahleri. | Jason Benson | Francisco Davidson | | Next blue moon | Done | 22 July 1945 | 19 June 1979 | | v2.0.0 +1 | | c2 +1 | Bruce Lawrence | | 63 - Henry Schein Inc. | 13 October 2016 | | | To Do | |