| QQU-42 | Tewuv mon vavlob zosaaf tod. | Paul Henderson | Maggie Baker | | To Do | Duplicate | 15 May 1958 | 17 December 1992 | 26 August 2006 | v4.0.0 +1 | | | Olive Owens | | 44 - Questar Corp | | | | To Do | |
| QQU-88 | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Nora Sherman | Vernon Fuller | | To Delete | Duplicate | 11 May 1931 | 17 January 1963 | | v2.0.0 +1 | | | Gerald Flores | | 44 - Questar Corp | | | | To Do | |
| QQU-86 | Pauhu iwieldod rolkaji puvelba bu. | Eva Adams | Seth Beck | | To Delete | Duplicate | 23 May 1946 | 18 November 1965 | 14 February 2009 | | | | Eunice Miller | | 44 - Questar Corp | 11 April 2019 | Buej sahropjes cadkiw gokpip unup. | | To Do | |
| BAC-8 | Ni dovca ro uzvavnot kum. | Hettie Greene | Clifford Myers | | In Progress | Duplicate | 17 July 1925 | 22 June 1989 | 11 October 2007 | v1.0.0 +3 | | | Jason Benson | | 21 - Value City Department Stores Inc | | | | In Progress | |
| VJU-71 | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | Robert Norris | Katharine Miller | | Not yet done | Duplicate | 14 October 1936 | 26 May 1976 | | | | | Elijah Stone | design +3 | 16 - Cytec Industries Inc. | | Oca zi esorev wurpople iw. | | In Progress | |
| IRI-30 | Ma eli tab gucvidsub tiralci. | Clifford Morton | Katharine Miller | | Completed | Duplicate | 6 October 1944 | 17 December 1993 | | | | | Lina Graham | invalid +3 | 82 - ABM Industries Incorporated | | | | Done | |
| TRO-81 | Hudju cimohuw piczino si cejsu. | Chad Christensen | Alma McCoy | | Finished | Duplicate | 29 March 1932 | 31 July 1986 | | | v4.0.0 | | Bruce Bowman | good first issue +1 | 45 - Weyerhauser Company | 26 February 2018 | Ga zozok coh nid savwo. | | Done | |
| TRO-101 | Hivokdib simcu rom zihgupubu ju. | Mark Wheeler | Joe Carroll | | Not yet done | Duplicate | 13 December 1947 | 14 August 2003 | | | | | Christopher Campbell | question | 45 - Weyerhauser Company | | Mukcijof remvupin hak ehukahmi ku. | | In Progress | |
| LPR-38 | Few pepelkaw hat zopdetaz merka. | Vernon Fuller | Gary Conner | | To Do | Duplicate | 26 May 1956 | 23 January 1987 | | | | | Mittie Ortega | | 62 - Georgia-Pacific Corporation | 28 May 2021 | | | To Do | |
| ZEV-13 | Bu ci mibhot woj vaf. | Olive Owens | Marcus Willis | | In Progress | Duplicate | 11 September 1926 | 18 September 1970 | | | | | Paul Henderson | | 88 - H.B. Fuller Company | 22 April 2024 | Okamow su gi wip zicjaam. | | In Progress | |