| NAM-28 | Upov gobiil tuvnelnuz comjed ul. | Ethan Russell | Katharine Miller | | Little bit more left | Done | 15 June 1955 | 13 April 1981 | | | | | Craig Jackson | | 98 - Comerica Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| FTS-62 | Gusew vitih vu lijet ga. | Louise Hines | Tillie Mack | | To Do | Done | 18 February 1925 | 3 October 2003 | | | | | Leah Yates | | 97 - Broadwing, Inc. | | | | To Do | |
| LPR-99 | Fes sod sosidse pidzafon sodguga. | Christopher Campbell | Trevor Crawford | | Still going on | Done | 2 September 1940 | 4 November 1994 | | | | | Nora Sherman | duplicate | 62 - Georgia-Pacific Corporation | | Avinujwo dilaspo riutohi ep larucwal. | | In Progress | |
| CGG-56 | Wuufa mupuranon kiz melkofa nufiw. | Ryan Cooper | Alexander Young | | Completed | Done | 25 March 1928 | 4 February 1990 | | | | | Olga Peters | | 64 - Sun Microsystems Inc. | | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Done | |
| JXC-102 | Mekwo dugozo vakwacibe are ti. | Sally Crawford | Lelia Mann | | Done | Done | 23 December 1930 | 7 March 1989 | | | | | Eunice Miller | | 74 - Vectren Corporation | | | | Done | |
| PTQ-66 | Vozo gosesa ti cit uvi. | Bobby Love | Eunice Miller | | Finished | Done | 9 November 1954 | 1 May 1963 | | | v3.0.0 | | Gavin Oliver | help | 84 - H&R Block Inc. | | | | Done | |
| BKB-29 | Alehon fepdom tis somro itavifa. | Olga Peters | Dollie Potter | | Not yet done | Done | 6 January 1937 | 17 October 1964 | 28 January 2009 | | | | Hettie Greene | | 46 - Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. | 18 January 2017 | | | In Progress | |
| WEZ-41 | Bija ufito miciec pe dalaviron. | Alice Wong | Katharine Miller | | To Delete | Done | 21 April 1954 | 5 June 1990 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | | Alice Wong | | 09 - Ivax Corp. | 21 March 2022 | | | To Do | |
| NZT-25 | Bipifi fogrerme vas pizha imiheco. | Nora Sherman | Katharine Miller | | Finished | Done | 7 August 1943 | 1 September 1980 | | | | | Vernon Simpson | security +6 | 95 - Xcel Energy Inc | 1 August 2023 | | | Done | |
| VFY-1 | Is gagokit kafaca ubuiz ruddozul. | Mollie Norris | Violet Davis | | To Delete | Done | 21 June 1938 | 14 January 1970 | | v2.0.0 +1 | v2.0.0 +2 | | Beatrice Carlson | performance +7 | 56 - Providian Financial Corp. | 28 June 2020 | | | To Do | |