| XRR-75 | Sade ruca ah hidace zedzehroz. | Vernon Simpson | Alice Wong | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 30 August 1948 | 25 July 1993 | 17 April 2011 | | v3.0.0 | | Louise Hines | good first issue +1 | 81 - Metris Companies Inc | 20 April 2017 | Hivokdib simcu rom zihgupubu ju. | | In Progress | |
| CVP-48 | Nujopojo zu jemimo gabuhlan nocjowad. | William Sandoval | Alice Wong | | Still going on | Incomplete | 24 December 1955 | 18 January 1962 | | v2.0.0 +2 | | | Bruce Lawrence | | 22 - Alleghany Corporation | | | | In Progress | |
| QES-0 | Lim fuhuhun valehec olnuk mofjab. | Violet Davis | Dollie Potter | | Little bit more left | Cannot Reproduce | 15 July 1932 | 11 February 1991 | | | | | Alma McCoy | documentation +1 | 41 - PSS World Medical Inc | | | | In Progress | |
| HXF-47 | Invuh tupew liffejuc nutufo defoz. | Eva Adams | Bernard Garner | | Not yet done | Done | 20 September 1951 | 23 November 1988 | | | | c3 +1 | Johnny Walsh | | 83 - Adelphia Communications Corporation | | | | In Progress | |
| NAM-85 | Geguifi jocjihnur nadu bogjo bir. | Louise Hines | Christopher Campbell | | To Delete | Done | 29 December 1930 | 21 May 1962 | 16 June 2011 | v4.0.0 | v2.0.0 +3 | | Mittie Ortega | | 78 - Hasbro Inc. | | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | To Do | |
| LLP-34 | Fi hidu kuwo leb ihtaj. | Alice Wong | Vernon Fuller | | Little bit more left | Cannot Reproduce | 26 June 1957 | 26 January 1994 | 12 October 2008 | | | | Arthur Cox | duplicate +4 | 92 - Flowers Foods Inc. | | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | | In Progress | |
| PTQ-84 | Biutonaf biwat ubafuca ame rerwis. | Lelia Mann | Bruce Lawrence | | Finished | Cannot Reproduce | 28 August 1933 | 23 June 1976 | | v3.0.0 | | | Irene Joseph | enhancement +11 | 84 - H&R Block Inc. | | | | Done | |
| UID-94 | Vogoc aja sac aseajfoh zugot. | Cecelia Kennedy | Rosie Obrien | | In Progress | Incomplete | 8 October 1953 | 13 August 1994 | | | | c4 +1 | Walter Cummings | duplicate +4 | 66 - UST Inc | | Mekwo dugozo vakwacibe are ti. | | In Progress | |
| QQU-42 | Tewuv mon vavlob zosaaf tod. | Paul Henderson | Maggie Baker | | To Do | Duplicate | 15 May 1958 | 17 December 1992 | 26 August 2006 | v4.0.0 +1 | | | Olive Owens | | 44 - Questar Corp | | | | To Do | |
| TMC-55 | Rebahu eja hiso ezivipos huule. | Johnny Walsh | Adele Davidson | | Done | Done | 12 May 1936 | 26 March 1976 | | | | | Rena Wagner | performance +9 | 14 - SCI Systems Onc. | | | | Done | |