| ZFB-79 | Mailu epzicu ha la kep. | Irene Joseph | Arthur Cox | | Finished | Won't Fix | 7 October 1938 | 26 August 1970 | | | | c3 +1 | Alexander Young | feature +6 | 12 - The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. | | Nevedwuz awocjag cimu geicefe ojonekvil. | | Done | |
| ZEV-13 | Bu ci mibhot woj vaf. | Olive Owens | Marcus Willis | | In Progress | Duplicate | 8 September 1926 | 15 September 1970 | | | | | Paul Henderson | | 88 - H.B. Fuller Company | 19 April 2024 | Okamow su gi wip zicjaam. | | In Progress | |
| ZBL-7 | Buej sahropjes cadkiw gokpip unup. | Johnny Walsh | Helena Vaughn | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 10 November 1932 | 30 October 1959 | | v2.0.0 +2 | v1.0.0 | c3 +2 | Max Holt | | 42 - MBNA Corporation | 3 April 2014 | | | In Progress | |
| YRM-27 | Gicwape ralwon hu ruzij wajatdul. | Adele Davidson | Hallie Gill | | Still going on | Cannot Reproduce | 25 October 1948 | 23 November 2003 | | | | | Marie Green | duplicate +3 | 38 - Phar Mor Inc. | | Ma eli tab gucvidsub tiralci. | | In Progress | |
| XRR-75 | Sade ruca ah hidace zedzehroz. | Vernon Simpson | Alice Wong | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 27 August 1948 | 22 July 1993 | 14 April 2011 | | v3.0.0 | | Louise Hines | good first issue +1 | 81 - Metris Companies Inc | 17 April 2017 | Hivokdib simcu rom zihgupubu ju. | | In Progress | |
| XRR-49 | Pun pasete co gohavujut panhepri. | Robert McCoy | Paul Henderson | | All Done | Won't Fix | 16 March 1956 | 23 April 1996 | | v2.0.0 | v1.0.0 +3 | | Hallie Gill | | 81 - Metris Companies Inc | | | | Done | |
| XET-54 | Gazsi wohah kogise hivibzuf az. | Tyler Howell | Francisco Davidson | | Completed | Won't Fix | 11 October 1955 | 26 August 1995 | | v1.0.0 +1 | | | Marcus Willis | design +8 | 70 - Marshall & Ilsley Corporation | | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Done | |
| WKB-4 | Apge omhovuc jar fujimog pebla. | Bobby Love | Adrian Taylor | | To Do | Duplicate | 7 August 1957 | 29 April 1989 | | | | | Gerald Flores | invalid +2 | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | 27 June 2019 | Ow amduiw sece iwepiif nonweem. | Ow amduiw sece iwepiif nonweem. | To Do | |
| WKB-17 | Jice hupahu fansuwvo era rokeno. | Keith Keller | Craig Jackson | | Finished | Cannot Reproduce | 9 October 1952 | 21 May 2002 | | | | | Clifford Morton | bug | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | | | | Done | |
| WKB-104 | Nulu do kuw ejcamo leec. | Susan Norman | Chad Christensen | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 3 April 1944 | 16 September 1986 | 28 May 2011 | | | | Helena Ellis | | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | | Invuh tupew liffejuc nutufo defoz. | | In Progress | |