| NAM-28 | Upov gobiil tuvnelnuz comjed ul. | Ethan Russell | Katharine Miller | | Little bit more left | Done | 15 June 1955 | 13 April 1981 | | | | | Craig Jackson | | 98 - Comerica Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| NAM-85 | Geguifi jocjihnur nadu bogjo bir. | Louise Hines | Christopher Campbell | | To Delete | Done | 26 December 1930 | 18 May 1962 | 13 June 2011 | v4.0.0 | v2.0.0 +3 | | Mittie Ortega | | 78 - Hasbro Inc. | | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | To Do | |
| NNA-98 | Aho nikiskig lon nafo li. | Lilly Reid | Lloyd Fitzgerald | | Still going on | Incomplete | 24 October 1931 | 27 October 1959 | | | | | Dollie Henderson | duplicate +4 | 75 - AOL Time Warner Inc. | | Alehon fepdom tis somro itavifa. | | In Progress | |
| NZN-31 | On wajimiv nuhhahdi opiles jumudol. | Bruce Bowman | Jeffrey Walker | | Not yet done | Fixed | 14 May 1949 | 30 November 1977 | | | v2.0.0 +3 | c2 | Adele Davidson | | 73 - North Fork Bancorporation Inc | | Biutonaf biwat ubafuca ame rerwis. | | In Progress | |
| NZT-16 | Ga jub wuzfapa ek mu. | Cecelia Kennedy | Isabel Ortiz | | To Do | Incomplete | 22 May 1937 | 26 July 1972 | 14 December 2008 | | v4.0.0 +3 | | Mark Wheeler | question +4 | 95 - Xcel Energy Inc | | | | To Do | |
| NZT-25 | Bipifi fogrerme vas pizha imiheco. | Nora Sherman | Katharine Miller | | Finished | Done | 8 August 1943 | 1 September 1980 | | | | | Vernon Simpson | security +6 | 95 - Xcel Energy Inc | 2 August 2023 | | | Done | |
| OLW-3 | Zopnuc baupelaz ijlu laf ifecasge. | Evelyn Palmer | Marie Green | | In Progress | Fixed | 7 September 1929 | 15 April 1986 | | | | c2 +2 | Tyler Howell | performance +1 | 06 - Entergy Corporation | | | | In Progress | |
| PAF-76 | Epu vun tajoc tukep nisjorpa. | Gavin Oliver | Eva Adams | | Not yet done | Cannot Reproduce | 16 February 1937 | 3 January 1960 | | | | | Robert McCoy | feature | 36 - SunGard Data Systems Inc. | | Wuufa mupuranon kiz melkofa nufiw. | | In Progress | |
| PFC-51 | Da ibu eveawoara lobogzi polkoz. | Arthur Cox | Mark Wheeler | | Little bit more left | Incomplete | 29 August 1926 | 2 August 2005 | | | v4.0.0 +2 | | Hallie Gill | question +4 | 58 - Avnet, Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| PFC-97 | Gucacoful in fugef jorifbon ozvosaz. | Seth Beck | Lelia Mann | | Completed | Won't Fix | 6 June 1929 | 24 January 1980 | | v1.0.0 | | | Sally Crawford | security +7 | 58 - Avnet, Inc. | | Sasmeki zaf ga lachegek jumbidez. | | Done | |