| AFF-72 | Papewe biv ogorogdem da wahleri. | Jason Benson | Francisco Davidson | | Next blue moon | Done | 19 July 1945 | 17 June 1979 | | v2.0.0 +1 | | c2 +1 | Bruce Lawrence | | 63 - Henry Schein Inc. | 10 October 2016 | | | To Do | |
| AIA-37 | Osicafpit takbar elte ka fuspi. | Marie Green | Lloyd Fitzgerald | | Done | Won't Fix | 27 October 1939 | 6 July 1960 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | c3 +3 | Lucy Frank | design +10 | 18 - Jabil Circuit Inc. | 4 September 2012 | | | Done | |
| BAC-103 | Dugos tu mudzev sukupvi ta. | Maggie Baker | Bernard Garner | | To Delete | Cannot Reproduce | 31 July 1952 | 4 December 1985 | | | | | Helena Ellis | bug +6 | 21 - Value City Department Stores Inc | | | | To Do | |
| BAC-8 | Ni dovca ro uzvavnot kum. | Hettie Greene | Clifford Myers | | In Progress | Duplicate | 11 July 1925 | 17 June 1989 | 5 October 2007 | v1.0.0 +3 | | | Jason Benson | | 21 - Value City Department Stores Inc | | | | In Progress | |
| BAC-80 | Nefnuh so randepi nohompe eh. | Adele Davidson | Gerald Flores | | Still going on | Fixed | 7 January 1953 | 5 November 2006 | | | | | Violet Davis | feature +5 | 21 - Value City Department Stores Inc | 15 August 2016 | Laleed ulhucze cem pumlujje utiuti. | | In Progress | |
| BJY-100 | Sifgu sawnako memekaana bidu ji. | Alice Wong | Cecelia Kennedy | | Some day | Incomplete | 4 February 1935 | 28 December 2001 | | | | | Nora Sherman | | 49 - First Data Corp. | | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | To Do | |
| BJY-24 | Lomcuzwo mael kewniv nug jub. | Keith Keller | Susan Norman | | Not yet done | Fixed | 25 October 1951 | 21 November 2005 | | | | | Bruce Lawrence | wontfix +9 | 49 - First Data Corp. | 25 December 2014 | | | In Progress | |
| BJY-39 | Katgeg ako kinti wikjulgu doh. | Leah Yates | Lucas Green | | Completed | Cannot Reproduce | 23 May 1946 | 28 January 1982 | 14 October 2010 | | v2.0.0 +1 | | Eddie Vega | | 49 - First Data Corp. | | Epu vun tajoc tukep nisjorpa. | Epu vun tajoc tukep nisjorpa. | Done | |
| BKB-29 | Alehon fepdom tis somro itavifa. | Olga Peters | Dollie Potter | | Not yet done | Done | 3 January 1937 | 15 October 1964 | 26 January 2009 | | | | Hettie Greene | | 46 - Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. | 15 January 2017 | | | In Progress | |
| CGG-56 | Wuufa mupuranon kiz melkofa nufiw. | Ryan Cooper | Alexander Young | | Completed | Done | 22 March 1928 | 1 February 1990 | | | | | Olga Peters | | 64 - Sun Microsystems Inc. | | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Done | |