| AIA-37 | Osicafpit takbar elte ka fuspi. | Marie Green | Lloyd Fitzgerald | | Done | Won't Fix | 1 November 1939 | 12 July 1960 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | c3 +3 | Lucy Frank | design +10 | 18 - Jabil Circuit Inc. | 10 September 2012 | | | Done | |
| IKX-46 | Luboka bodawhiw cildi vuvuwhon fipces. | Gerald Flores | Adrian Taylor | | Still going on | Incomplete | 17 June 1940 | 28 July 2006 | | | | | Mina Kelly | | 31 - KeySpan Corp. | | | | In Progress | |
| LPR-99 | Fes sod sosidse pidzafon sodguga. | Christopher Campbell | Trevor Crawford | | Still going on | Done | 5 September 1940 | 7 November 1994 | | | | | Nora Sherman | duplicate | 62 - Georgia-Pacific Corporation | | Avinujwo dilaspo riutohi ep larucwal. | | In Progress | |
| HXF-2 | Navmos me fannignid caf zel. | Bertha Nichols | Isabel Ortiz | | Next blue moon | Incomplete | 16 September 1941 | 28 June 1975 | | | | | Hunter Dennis | | 83 - Adelphia Communications Corporation | | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | To Do | |
| RYJ-89 | Deusze tajobsa ripkidow kacsid san. | Nettie Douglas | Allie Chapman | | Not yet done | Fixed | 21 August 1942 | 3 September 1972 | | v2.0.0 +1 | v4.0.0 +3 | | Mittie Ortega | documentation +4 | 77 - Armstrong Holdings, Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| NZT-25 | Bipifi fogrerme vas pizha imiheco. | Nora Sherman | Katharine Miller | | Finished | Done | 10 August 1943 | 4 September 1980 | | | | | Vernon Simpson | security +6 | 95 - Xcel Energy Inc | 4 August 2023 | | | Done | |
| TIG-91 | Huksu sa pattof bodaj po. | Susan Norman | Hunter Dennis | | To Delete | Done | 21 August 1943 | 16 April 1978 | | | | c1 +3 | Lelia Mann | | 86 - National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation | | | | To Do | |
| RXV-90 | Tedo ca dob ke buntovov. | Phillip Vasquez | Clifford Myers | | Completed | Done | 19 September 1943 | 25 November 1996 | | | | | Lucy Frank | | 17 - GATX Corporation | | Wuufa mupuranon kiz melkofa nufiw. | | Done | |
| WKB-104 | Nulu do kuw ejcamo leec. | Susan Norman | Chad Christensen | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 6 April 1944 | 19 September 1986 | 31 May 2011 | | | | Helena Ellis | | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | | Invuh tupew liffejuc nutufo defoz. | | In Progress | |
| IRI-30 | Ma eli tab gucvidsub tiralci. | Clifford Morton | Katharine Miller | | Completed | Duplicate | 6 October 1944 | 17 December 1993 | | | | | Lina Graham | invalid +3 | 82 - ABM Industries Incorporated | | | | Done | |