| HFF-22 | Nod zimin got geznek jensel. | Louise Reynolds | Francisco Davidson | | Some day | Won't Fix | 12 January 1954 | 24 March 1988 | | | | | Clifford Myers | | 29 - Tenneco Automotive Inc. | | Buej sahropjes cadkiw gokpip unup. | | To Do | |
| WEZ-41 | Bija ufito miciec pe dalaviron. | Alice Wong | Katharine Miller | | To Delete | Done | 24 April 1954 | 8 June 1990 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | | Alice Wong | | 09 - Ivax Corp. | 24 March 2022 | | | To Do | |
| PTQ-66 | Vozo gosesa ti cit uvi. | Bobby Love | Eunice Miller | | Finished | Done | 11 November 1954 | 4 May 1963 | | | v3.0.0 | | Gavin Oliver | help | 84 - H&R Block Inc. | | | | Done | |
| NAM-28 | Upov gobiil tuvnelnuz comjed ul. | Ethan Russell | Katharine Miller | | Little bit more left | Done | 18 June 1955 | 16 April 1981 | | | | | Craig Jackson | | 98 - Comerica Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| XET-54 | Gazsi wohah kogise hivibzuf az. | Tyler Howell | Francisco Davidson | | Completed | Won't Fix | 14 October 1955 | 29 August 1995 | | v1.0.0 +1 | | | Marcus Willis | design +8 | 70 - Marshall & Ilsley Corporation | | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Done | |
| CVP-48 | Nujopojo zu jemimo gabuhlan nocjowad. | William Sandoval | Alice Wong | | Still going on | Incomplete | 24 December 1955 | 18 January 1962 | | v2.0.0 +2 | | | Bruce Lawrence | | 22 - Alleghany Corporation | | | | In Progress | |
| XRR-49 | Pun pasete co gohavujut panhepri. | Robert McCoy | Paul Henderson | | All Done | Won't Fix | 19 March 1956 | 26 April 1996 | | v2.0.0 | v1.0.0 +3 | | Hallie Gill | | 81 - Metris Companies Inc | | | | Done | |
| LPR-38 | Few pepelkaw hat zopdetaz merka. | Vernon Fuller | Gary Conner | | To Do | Duplicate | 26 May 1956 | 23 January 1987 | | | | | Mittie Ortega | | 62 - Georgia-Pacific Corporation | 28 May 2021 | | | To Do | |
| LLP-34 | Fi hidu kuwo leb ihtaj. | Alice Wong | Vernon Fuller | | Little bit more left | Cannot Reproduce | 26 June 1957 | 26 January 1994 | 12 October 2008 | | | | Arthur Cox | duplicate +4 | 92 - Flowers Foods Inc. | | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | | In Progress | |
| WKB-4 | Apge omhovuc jar fujimog pebla. | Bobby Love | Adrian Taylor | | To Do | Duplicate | 10 August 1957 | 2 May 1989 | | | | | Gerald Flores | invalid +2 | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | 30 June 2019 | Ow amduiw sece iwepiif nonweem. | Ow amduiw sece iwepiif nonweem. | To Do | |