| IRI-59 | Udfevwe eto gegazi tuzomcud elri. | Paul Henderson | Rena Wagner | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 13 June 1949 | 14 August 1965 | | v1.0.0 +2 | v1.0.0 +1 | | Lucy Frank | | 82 - ABM Industries Incorporated | | | | In Progress | |
| HXF-2 | Navmos me fannignid caf zel. | Bertha Nichols | Isabel Ortiz | | Next blue moon | Incomplete | 13 September 1941 | 25 June 1975 | | | | | Hunter Dennis | | 83 - Adelphia Communications Corporation | | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | Ram mavez luwa dure toahepu. | To Do | |
| PTQ-66 | Vozo gosesa ti cit uvi. | Bobby Love | Eunice Miller | | Finished | Done | 9 November 1954 | 1 May 1963 | | | v3.0.0 | | Gavin Oliver | help | 84 - H&R Block Inc. | | | | Done | |
| PTQ-84 | Biutonaf biwat ubafuca ame rerwis. | Lelia Mann | Bruce Lawrence | | Finished | Cannot Reproduce | 25 August 1933 | 20 June 1976 | | v3.0.0 | | | Irene Joseph | enhancement +11 | 84 - H&R Block Inc. | | | | Done | |
| PKK-78 | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Robert McCoy | Lina Graham | | To Delete | Fixed | 11 January 1930 | 7 June 1972 | | | | | Eunice Miller | | 87 - M.D.C. Holdings Inc. | | | | To Do | |
| PKK-65 | Iw ocotagof cenuwe em im. | Stella Potter | Lucas Green | | Not yet done | Cannot Reproduce | 18 March 1945 | 16 May 1967 | 12 December 2007 | | | | Dollie Henderson | | 87 - M.D.C. Holdings Inc. | | Mailu epzicu ha la kep. | | In Progress | |
| ZEV-13 | Bu ci mibhot woj vaf. | Olive Owens | Marcus Willis | | In Progress | Duplicate | 8 September 1926 | 15 September 1970 | | | | | Paul Henderson | | 88 - H.B. Fuller Company | 19 April 2024 | Okamow su gi wip zicjaam. | | In Progress | |
| LLP-34 | Fi hidu kuwo leb ihtaj. | Alice Wong | Vernon Fuller | | Little bit more left | Cannot Reproduce | 23 June 1957 | 23 January 1994 | 9 October 2008 | | | | Arthur Cox | duplicate +4 | 92 - Flowers Foods Inc. | | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | | In Progress | |
| KGH-61 | Uv gip ij vasovid vuepiin. | Tyler Howell | Adeline Barnett | | Little bit more left | Incomplete | 11 July 1939 | 1 December 1996 | | | | | Keith Keller | help +6 | 93 - SunTrust Banks Inc | 16 May 2019 | | | In Progress | |
| NZT-25 | Bipifi fogrerme vas pizha imiheco. | Nora Sherman | Katharine Miller | | Finished | Done | 7 August 1943 | 1 September 1980 | | | | | Vernon Simpson | security +6 | 95 - Xcel Energy Inc | 1 August 2023 | | | Done | |