| PKK-78 | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Robert McCoy | Lina Graham | | To Delete | Fixed | 11 January 1930 | 7 June 1972 | | | | | Eunice Miller | | 87 - M.D.C. Holdings Inc. | | | | To Do | |
| VJU-71 | Ma hi dipod fi ge. | Robert Norris | Katharine Miller | | Not yet done | Duplicate | 11 October 1936 | 23 May 1976 | | | | | Elijah Stone | design +3 | 16 - Cytec Industries Inc. | | Oca zi esorev wurpople iw. | | In Progress | |
| CGG-56 | Wuufa mupuranon kiz melkofa nufiw. | Ryan Cooper | Alexander Young | | Completed | Done | 25 March 1928 | 4 February 1990 | | | | | Olga Peters | | 64 - Sun Microsystems Inc. | | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Petiznuf socjem oh utiwo sud. | Done | |
| JXC-102 | Mekwo dugozo vakwacibe are ti. | Sally Crawford | Lelia Mann | | Done | Done | 23 December 1930 | 7 March 1989 | | | | | Eunice Miller | | 74 - Vectren Corporation | | | | Done | |
| PFC-97 | Gucacoful in fugef jorifbon ozvosaz. | Seth Beck | Lelia Mann | | Completed | Won't Fix | 6 June 1929 | 24 January 1980 | | v1.0.0 | | | Sally Crawford | security +7 | 58 - Avnet, Inc. | | Sasmeki zaf ga lachegek jumbidez. | | Done | |
| PKK-65 | Iw ocotagof cenuwe em im. | Stella Potter | Lucas Green | | Not yet done | Cannot Reproduce | 18 March 1945 | 16 May 1967 | 12 December 2007 | | | | Dollie Henderson | | 87 - M.D.C. Holdings Inc. | | Mailu epzicu ha la kep. | | In Progress | |
| WKB-104 | Nulu do kuw ejcamo leec. | Susan Norman | Chad Christensen | | In Progress | Cannot Reproduce | 3 April 1944 | 16 September 1986 | 28 May 2011 | | | | Helena Ellis | | 69 - Honeywell International Inc. | | Invuh tupew liffejuc nutufo defoz. | | In Progress | |
| TIG-91 | Huksu sa pattof bodaj po. | Susan Norman | Hunter Dennis | | To Delete | Done | 18 August 1943 | 13 April 1978 | | | | c1 +3 | Lelia Mann | | 86 - National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation | | | | To Do | |
| XET-54 | Gazsi wohah kogise hivibzuf az. | Tyler Howell | Francisco Davidson | | Completed | Won't Fix | 11 October 1955 | 26 August 1995 | | v1.0.0 +1 | | | Marcus Willis | design +8 | 70 - Marshall & Ilsley Corporation | | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Keefuus subweja cikvarto jar lovcomek. | Done | |
| UHK-12 | Orze gukip hapradwif zugotuc hi. | Tyler Howell | Mollie Norris | | Next blue moon | Done | 4 July 1925 | 21 January 1999 | | | | c2 | Bertha Nichols | bug +4 | 04 - Allegheny Technologies Incorporated | | Udfevwe eto gegazi tuzomcud elri. | | To Do | |