| HFF-40 | Molopma abtawvu hojum nokerefe waputa. | Bobby Love | Mina Kelly | | Done | Cannot Reproduce | 9 May 1951 | 2 December 1981 | | | | | Beatrice Carlson | bug +2 | 29 - Tenneco Automotive Inc. | | | | Done | |
| WEZ-41 | Bija ufito miciec pe dalaviron. | Alice Wong | Katharine Miller | | To Delete | Done | 24 April 1954 | 8 June 1990 | | | v1.0.0 +2 | | Alice Wong | | 09 - Ivax Corp. | 24 March 2022 | | | To Do | |
| RKR-44 | Afke biug cal gakosucoz kovvabvap. | Rena Wagner | Violet Davis | | To Delete | Cannot Reproduce | 18 March 1924 | 28 March 1980 | 29 June 2011 | | | | Dollie Henderson | | 32 - Teleflex Incorporated | | Gazsi wohah kogise hivibzuf az. | | To Do | |
| ITO-45 | De opuwut pedumu ugdak wugrefnob. | Arthur Cox | Louise Hines | | To Delete | Won't Fix | 16 July 1934 | 22 September 1966 | | | | c3 +2 | Vernon Simpson | | 19 - Xilinx Inc | | Lomcuzwo mael kewniv nug jub. | | To Do | |
| IKX-46 | Luboka bodawhiw cildi vuvuwhon fipces. | Gerald Flores | Adrian Taylor | | Still going on | Incomplete | 17 June 1940 | 28 July 2006 | | | | | Mina Kelly | | 31 - KeySpan Corp. | | | | In Progress | |
| HXF-47 | Invuh tupew liffejuc nutufo defoz. | Eva Adams | Bernard Garner | | Not yet done | Done | 20 September 1951 | 23 November 1988 | | | | c3 +1 | Johnny Walsh | | 83 - Adelphia Communications Corporation | | | | In Progress | |
| PFC-51 | Da ibu eveawoara lobogzi polkoz. | Arthur Cox | Mark Wheeler | | Little bit more left | Incomplete | 1 September 1926 | 5 August 2005 | | | v4.0.0 +2 | | Hallie Gill | question +4 | 58 - Avnet, Inc. | | | | In Progress | |
| PQL-52 | Laleed ulhucze cem pumlujje utiuti. | Lillian Butler | Olga Peters | | To Do | Fixed | 13 July 1951 | 28 September 1995 | | | | c2 +2 | Elijah Stone | | 11 - Payless Shoesource Inc | | | | To Do | |
| MGK-53 | Paor inunisu daome jat ug. | Alexander Young | Paul Henderson | | To Do | Fixed | 12 December 1957 | 16 October 1959 | | | | | Marguerite Snyder | | 43 - Pfizer Inc | | | | To Do | |
| TMC-55 | Rebahu eja hiso ezivipos huule. | Johnny Walsh | Adele Davidson | | Done | Done | 11 May 1936 | 26 March 1976 | | | | | Rena Wagner | performance +9 | 14 - SCI Systems Onc. | | | | Done | |